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Published 19.7.2023

Institution Helsingin yliopisto
Subject or degree programme Elintarviketieteet
Other studies Nutrition, Food safety
Year of graduation 2023

My typical day at work: I work on product development and recipe development projects. I spend a lot of time either researching a project or in a lab creating food products

Skills I need in my work: oikeat ja turvalliset laboratoriotyötavat, Teamwork, Research skills,

How I got my present job: Linked-In

These studies have been most useful in my work: Lab courses and thesis work

Tips for those interested in this job area: In product development positions it helps to be open-minded and interested on finding new information and ideas!

Lisää kertomuksia

Töissä.fi-tilastojen lähde: Yliopistojen ja ammattikorkeakoulujen uraseurantakyselyt viisi vuotta aiemmin valmistuneille. Lisätietoa ›