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JP ,

Published 30.8.2017

Subject or degree programme Kauppatieteet
Other studies MSc (Economics) from the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Year of graduation 2010

My typical day at work: - Helping improve how my clients measure and report on their communications activity through meetings
- Training clients on using our company's services, negotiating contracts and renewing client subscriptions
- Helping team members plan their work
- Day-to-day management tasks
- Participating in management team meetings planning activities, forecasting sales & operations, improving what we do and how we do it
- Training and coaching team members and other employees

Skills I need in my work: Sales and consulting skills, Ability to thrive under uncertainty, Curiosity,

How I got my present job: The most important factors were a combination of personal attributes, education (Masters degree in a well-known university in Rotterdam) and my work experience

These studies have been most useful in my work: Some of my masters studies from which I gained a full understanding of critical reasoning, academic rigor as well as practical studies which helped me understand conducting business at an early stage of my studies.

Tips for those interested in this job area: Don't be afraid of a job that requires doing instead of planning.

Doers are highly valued in the work place and usually directly influence business results. These kinds of people are the ones who create businesses, make things happen and also command above average levels of income.

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The source of the statistics: Career monitoring survey conducted among individuals who graduated 5 years earlier. More information ›